A poem by Sangeetha Priya on Child Sexual Abuse.


She played pretend with her toys

Taking after the world of grownups

With her kitchen set and barbie dolls

Sometimes an adult joined her game

A father figure, who seemed like he cared

She played hoping he wouldn’t play the game she feared

But the child couldn’t see that people never changed

She was confused, she begged that she wanted it to end

He said it was just a game it’s what people did

A child without understanding or agency

Was an easy prey for his fantasies

He thought she would grow up and forget

Her body may have healed

Her memories may be a haze

But in her mind she’ll always remain the same

The little girl begging, scared and confused

Her abusers are long dead and gone

but she can still feel the invisible wounds burning

Through her body pulsating with anger and remorse

Unable to accept herself fully,

unable to forgive or forget

Even after all these years

The scar in her heart, she’s doomed to bear forever.

Sangeetha Priya

Teacher; architect. Partner with Fifth Element Architecture Studio. She connects with friends, students, and like-minded people through her Instagram handle. She loves to work with art, lettering, poetry, ilustrations. She also is vocal about issues concerning women. Here are her digital sketches.
