I choose to be happy.
I deserve to be treated right.
I accept and love myself, completely and thoroughly.
Does it sound bizarre if I tell you to say these phrases every day? Definitely not.

It all started when I was reading the book called “The Secret” which talks about how positive thinking attracts positive energy, governs our actions, and helps us to achieve what we imagine. I wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told me I would get everything with the thought of wanting it wholeheartedly and in addition mindfully working on it. One thing that attracted me more in this book was positive affirmations, telling and reminding yourself that you can make it, you can handle it and you can achieve it.


Let it be in the morning as soon as you wake up, and in the night before you sleep, tell yourself that you did well or you have everything you want or whatever you needed to remind yourself on that particular day. Reading or telling yourself these affirmations can help you achieve an optimistic mindset. After all, it is all that we need. Journaling your affirmation is another interesting part of adding them into your habits. One good thing about writing them is, we don’t easily forget them.

Also, another tip the book gives on practising affirmation is to avoid negative words. Try not adding the words you don’t want in your daily affirmations. Better not try the word “Don’t” and fill them with only what you need. Also let’s get fixed with one at a time, the more we focus on one task at a time, the more it becomes easy to achieve.

Below are few beautiful affirmations that help in brightening up our day:
❖ I am resilient, strong, and brave, and I can’t be destroyed.
❖ I am determined and I aim for the stars.
❖ I am liberating myself from fear, judgement, and doubt.
❖ I can do it.
❖ I am proud of myself.

Other articles by the author:


Aathira Srishti is a Chennai-based young aspiring author who wrote her first book “Will you be my better half” at the age of 17. She is also known by her personal name Santhiya. The book created a huge craze among the fangirls of the protagonist. She received the prestigious “Aatral Ilavarasi award” from Aram Tamil Cultural Centre. She is now working in one of the top IT companies and carrying forward her love for literature and writing. She is active on youtube, sharing the importance of books and inspiring others to get their hands on reading. To get her regular updates, connect with her on Instagram @aathirasrishti.